In an article entitled “7 Struggles Of Being A Millennial Bridesmaid That Make It Way Less Fun” by Jessica Schirripa of Elite Daily, she reached out to Dr. Bart Rossi, Phd. for a psychological view of the struggles of the millennial bridesmaid. She notes in her article that “bridezillas are losing touch with the true sentiment of marriage.” The whole thing has become an over-bloated selfie and extravaganza moment.
As a clinical psychologist Dr. Bart Rossi has certain insights into behaviors, and shared them with Ms. Schirripa, for her article, stating that “the desire behind having the “grand wedding” of today is due to two factors.”
He notes that on the one hand there can be a positive motivation: that some couples “believe in the ‘experience’ of the entire wedding scenario.” That they enjoy the entire process.” They share the planning, engage with close friends, and create a once in a lifetime moment.
The other side is those there strive for a lavish spectacle, not for the motivations listed above, but rather “to fill some inner need relating to one’s ego and narcissism — not healthy.” These people are socially competing or feeling they are entitled to making a wedding bigger and bolder. Some of the weddings of today seem to engage in an over-the-top presentation of the bride and groom for reasons that are less than genuine; “they are self-serving and attention getting.”
To read the entire article CLICK HERE
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