Back to School Push

The back to school push by President Trump, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, and others is becoming a political hot button Debate. Should kids be going back to school? Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D. discusses with WINK News.

In recent weeks, President Trump has pushed for the reopening of schools. There have been those that support the call, such as Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. At the same time, doctors and teachers are pushing back claiming it is not yet safe.

President Trump has threatened to withhold funding to schools that do not open. However, there is a consensus that neither he nor the Secretary of Education does not have the authority to withhold funding.

The American Academy of Pediatrics noted that:

the AAP strongly advocates that all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school

But they also went on to say:

No child or adolescents should be excluded from school unless required in order to adhere to local public health mandates or because of unique medical needs. Pediatricians, families, and schools should partner together to collaboratively identify and develop accommodations, when needed.

Dr. Bart Rossi has previously discussed the stress of back to school during a pandemic. In this episode, he notes that the circumstances have created what is referred to as an “Approach avoidance conflict.”  He goes on to discuss “the action plans”, that is the conflict with the political debates. It comes down to  “desire vs. safety.”

Moreover, if kids stay home, are parents prepared to in-home learning? Can kids adapt to a non-interactive social setting? It is well-known that isolation is not in the best interest of kids, generally. At the same time, the questions are not whether they should go back to school. The question is, can it be done safely — for the kids, and the parents?

This debate has even made it into late-night show commentary.

Back to School Push

In this segment Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D. discusses the pros and cons of the back to school push, as well as other considerations.

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