Governor Desantis Medical Marijuana Ban

Governor Desantis medical marijuana ban position is legalizing marijuana in Florida. Political psychologist Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D., a Florida resident, comments during an on-air interview at WINK News.

Rick Desantis, the newly elected Republican Governor of Florida at a quick glance seems to be raising some eyebrows. According to Dr. Bart Rossi, “His positions seem much more progressive than Republican. But, he is young and seems to be taking into account what the general public is saying: that they want medical marijuana legalized.”

Is marijuana the gateway drug that so many have shouted about for decades?  Does marijuana truly have curative and/or pain relief properties? And, how would legalizing medical marijuana impact the opioid crisis?

Governor Desantis Medical Marijuana Ban

In this episode of Wink News This Morning, these topics and others are discussed with Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D., a career clinical psychologist, and political psychologist.



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