Happiness has been sought since the beginning of time. What is it, and how do you achieve it? Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D. provides some insights on Wink News This Morning.
If you ask someone “what makes you happy?” you may get a wide range of answers. Many say they get happiness from family, from their house, their car, learning, giving, and/or traveling, for example.
The human species tends to always be active in pursuit of something or another. Dr. Acacia, Ph.D. in her article suggests that
It is not feeling good all the time
According to the Buddha:
It is pursed through using knowledge and practice to achieve equanimity (peace of mind).
It has been written that happiness is not a result. It is a choice. People can’t make you happy; things can’t make you happy. Happiness doesn’t come to you, it comes from within you.
There are many thought exercises regarding happiness and how to achieve it. Surely you’ve seen many quotes on social media, often attributed to Buddha.
Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everyone, you will be happiest.
Whether these quotes are the actual quotes of Buddha or interpretations, they require thought and practice. Most people convince themselves that life is money. And therefore they can’t afford to buy the time that thought and practice would require.
In this episode of Wink News This Morning, Dr. Bart Rossi approaches happiness — and how to achieve it — into a much simpler and practical way.
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