So many people so many gifts, do you suffer from holiday gift-giving stress? We love our friends and family, but gift-giving is stressful. What to buy and for whom can be overwhelming. Dr. Bart Rossi, Pd.D. provides some thoughts on how to reduce stress.
According to by article in CNBC, while unemployment is low, and consumer confidence high, about 41% of consumers feel stress related to gift-giving. According to it is parents and women that feel the pinch the most. 51% women, according to a survey, are feeling the stress, as opposed to 40% of men.
Consumer confidence is at an 18 year high, which makes consumers ‘feel’ that they have to give more. According to the National Retail Federation, consumers will spend on average $637 this year.
According to Adrian Garcia of,
Not everyone is feeling the wage growth and the positivity of the economy,” Garcia said. “Not everyone is feeling great.
So with the economy seems strong, people are feeling stressed out over holiday gif shopping. Garcia recommended possible giving second-hand gits. After all, because they are second-hand doesn’t mean they are not of good quality or in good condition.
As Dr. Rossi suggested years ago, as the song says, accentuate the positives, and stay focused on them.
Holiday Gift-Giving Stress
In this episode on Wink News This Morning, Dr. Bart Rossi has some ideas of gift alternatives, and how to reduce the stress of holiday gift-giving stress.
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