Afghanistan and Pandemic Policy Missteps

Afghanistan and pandemic policy missteps have surged to the forefront of national discourse.  Political psychologist Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D. join ABC affiliate WinK News Florida to discuss.

Ted Cruz Under Fire

Ted Cruz under fire for fleeing the state of Texas during the energy blackout. Political psychologist Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D. provides thoughts on the short-term and long-term effects it may

Final Day of RNC Evaluated by Dr. Bart Rossi, PhD.

The final day of RNC convention discussed on WINK News Campaign Central with Shaun Kraisman and political psychologist Dr. Bart Rossi, PhD. What was Cruz thinking?

Presidential Race Recap 2016

Presidential Race Recap 2016. The front-runners have been further clarified, so what happens now? Cruz in an unprecedented move chooses a Vice President running mate before winning the nomination; a

Dr. Bart Rossi With Election Primary Analysis on CBS

Dr. Bart Rossi With election primary Analysis on CBS WINK News. Bernie and Hillary, Trump vs. Cruz and Kasich - the battle continues.

What the Trump and Clinton Losses Mean in the Wisconsin Primary Results

What the Trump and Clinton losses in the Wisconsin Primary results mean according to political psychologist Dr. Bart Rossi PhD. analyzes the cause and effects. he appears on the WINK-TV

March 15 Super Tuesday Analysis

March 15 Super Tuesday analysis with insights by political psychologist Dr. Bart Rossi, PhD.  on WINK TV. Trump and Clinton score big, Cruz and Sanders are hanging around, Kadich refuses

Will a New Supreme Court Justice be Appointed During Obama’s Term?

On this week's The Fresh Outlook, Dr. Bart Rossi PhD appears on the panel to discuss this hot topic: Will a new Supreme Court justice be appointed during Obama's term.

GOP Debate Refuels

The GOP debate refuels in this most recent staging, and the Daily News turned to three political experts to assess the performances, pick winners and losers, and explain their choices.