Thanksgiving Politics 2019

Thanksgiving politics 2019 could be combative this year. On the heels of the public impeachment testimony,  Political psychologist Dr.BartRossi offers some ideas on how to dial down the heat.

The Ukraine scandal has ignited fierce debate across America when House Speaker Pelosi announced the opening of an impeachment inquiry. Since then, there were closed-door depositions with many Trump administration employees, followed by pubic Congressional hearings.

Sworn testimony from near a dozen career diplomats lays out a simple story.

  1. The President wanted Ukraine to make a public announcement opening an investigation into the DNC 2016 server hack, and the Biden’s.
  2. Until the President got assurances of that announcement, he would not grant a phone call, and until the announcement wouldn’t grant the White House visit Zelensky requested.
  3. Testimony, texts, and emails supports the notion that the military aid was also held up to pressure Ukraine to make the announcement.
  4. Lastly, the President directed Sondland and others to work with Rudy Guiliani regarding Ukraine, and Rudy point-blank told everyone if Ukraine wants this, they’ll do that.

Many remain on edge waiting to see what comes next in the Trump impeachment inquiry process. Reuters explains the next steps here.

The holidays are a time when multiple generations come together. Aunts, uncles, grandparents, kids, and college students converge for family time. Politics is not a new concept of discussion in many homes. Indeed I can recall debate at my own family Thanksgiving dinner during the Clinton impeachment.

However, 2019 is probably more divisive than ever before, as conservatives and liberals have (A) huddled deeper into their respective tribes,  (B) distrust the opposing party more than ever before, and (C) distrust the news media and view anything they don’t like as ‘fake’.

So one can imagine that older generations and younger generations are going to clash at the dinner table this year.

Thanksgiving Politics 2019

In this week’s episode of WINK This Morning, Dr. Bart Rossi provides a few suggestions and how to avoid hostile political debates during the holidays.



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