Signs Of Bullying

Signs of bullying are in plain sight if one knows what to look for. Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D. talks with WINK News about what to look for, and how to

Promoting Emotional Intelligence

Psychologist Bart Rossi, Ph.D. stopped by the WINK studio to discuss how emotional intelligence affects students’ success at school.

Back To School Reading Success

Back to school reading success is often centered around reading or the perceptions of how well a student is or isn't reading. Dr. Bart Rossi joins WINK NEWS to discuss if these

Back to school confidence boost tips

Bart Rossi, a political psychologist, spoke about back to school confidence boost tips. Topics included bullying, danger, and self-esteem.

Trump Reverses Russia Comments

Trump reverses Russia comments that he made at the U.S. - Russia summit. President Trump offered a clarification, saying that he used the word "would" when he should have said

Trump Impact on NATO

The Trump Impact on NATO was a lot of posturing according to Dr. BArt Rossi, Ph.D., a political psychologist who appeared on WINK News to discuss the takeaways.

Analysis of Supreme Court Justice Nomination

Political psychologist Bart Rossi, PhD, provides an analysis of Supreme Court justice nomination forthcoming by President Trump. Who they are, and what they stand for, and the direction of the

The U.S. North Korea Deal

The Royal Wedding

The royal wedding: why are people in the U.S. and around the world so fascinated?

Dr. Bart Rossi weighs in Obama State of the Union address

President Obama delivered his 2014 State of the Union address on January 28, 2014. Through center right language and a progressive agenda, the speech was brilliant and unreplicable. President Obama