Power & Politics TV

Power & Politics TV

Power & Politics TV was launched on October 16, 2022, on NBC (Channel 2 in Ft. Meyers, Florida). The show is co-hosted by Frank Cipolla and Dr. Bart Rossi,

Frank is an author and businessman, a board member of the Press Club of Southwest Florida, and a former major market radio and TV news reporter and anchor. Most recently he was heard on the Wall Street Journal Radio Network and served as an anchor and reporter on Fox 4 in Fort Myers, Florida.  He began on radio stations and has anchored the news on The Soupy Sales Radio ShowImus in The Morning Show, and News 12 New Jersey’s Morning Edition

His co-host Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D. is a former WINK News on-air contributor and Emmy Award Winner for The Fresh Outlook EBRU TV. He had been a regular contributor to local and national radio and tv stations in the New York Metro areas, including TV channel 9, PIX 11, and News 12, plus almost every major channel, including, but not limited to ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and FOX.

The show’s Executive Producer/ Writer is Marqueeta Curtis-Haynes, a former Senior Producer at Black News Channel (BNC) and multi-Emmy-award-winning (plus a host of Telly awards) Writer/Producer, Senior Producer, and Executive Producer for television news.  She launched her career at CBS in St. Louis, Missouri, She later worked in New York City — after her relocation there —  in local news at CBS Morning News, the Black Entertainment Television News (Viacom), and Bloomberg News. The net stop on her career path followed her relocation to Miami, where she worked at Nightly Business Report (PBS), and at a TV studio that produces shows for Lifetime Television. She’s also a former Senior Producer at Black News Channel (BNC).




Together Frank and  Dr. Rossi take an unbiased look at the top Florida and SW Florida stories of the month.

The show airs each week on Sundays at 11:30 (EST) AM

The launch of the new show was announced at the Press Club of Florida

Learn more at https://powerandpolitics.tv

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