Should Trump impeachment process move forward? There is talk over the Constitution vs. the election. Who is correct post-Mueller speaking for the first time?
There is a raging debate regarding the Trump impeachment process. On the one side, there is a growing call from the Democrats in the House claiming there is more than enough evidence to move forward. On the other side, there is a calculation as to the end result.
Trump’s base remains firm in their belief that Trump is a victim of partisan politics. This despite the recent comments by Republican Justin Amash supporting impeachment to go forward. Led by the freshman class of the House Democrats, they claim that they have a constitutional duty to proceed, the election be damned.
The Pelosi-led block of the House says no. Their position is that without public support that the Senate will vote no. Having done so, it provides the president with a fight to use as a weapon. He is good at playing the victim. And his base will stand firm behind him — devoid of any new facts coming to light. They say they should continue to investigate. They have recently won several court battles to get the information that the White House to date has fervently attempted to block them from getting. This stonewalling, say others, is impeachable on its own.
Trump Impeachment Process
Still, others, prefer to open an impachment inquiry, which they say will give them better access to the documents they seek, while not voting on impeachment, yet.
Many have not yet read the Mueller Report, but his first public appearance to speak on the matter focused on a few major points:
- They couldn’t render a conclusion because DOJ guidelines prevented them from indicting a sitting president.
- They proceeded with their investigation knowing they could not indict.
- The Meuller team intended to neither charge or exonerate the president.
- The Meuller team intended that the evidence would be for Congress to review and render a decision.
- That the Russians launched a pervasive and systematic attack on the elections, at the highest levels.
Political psychologist Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D. discusses these and other points and observations on Wink News (CBS Florida) in this segment.
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