FORT MYERS, Fla.- The psychology of President Obama’s final address in a nationally-televised farewell speech, was discussed on Now Today in the WINK News studio. Political psychologist Dr. Rossi was on hand to discuss the agenda, goals and impact.
President Obama reviewed where the nation was in 2008 and, what was achieved since. He addressed ACA and challenged the republicans to come up with something better. He then said he would support it if they did, but to be sure that those that gained healthcare via ACA didn’t loose it.
He discussed the role of citizens going forward.
WINK News political psychologist, Dr. Bart Rossi was in the studio to talk about these and other topics. Good speech, bad speech, inspiring? Did he achieve what he set out to do?
Dr. Rossi weights in on his perceptions. He discusses the psychology of the speech, the presentation of it, and the impact it may have on the nation going forward. He offers insights on the upside and downside of Obama’s presidency.
What was the speech meant to achieve? What were the takeaways?
The Psychology of President Obama’s Final Address
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