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Looming Government Shutdown 2018

With a looming government shutdown 2018, in December, is the third act this year pitting the president and Congress offs over the now famous 'border wall.'  Political psychologist Dr. Bart Rossi,

Trump White House Anxiety

Trump White House anxiety stems from the onslaught of indictments, guilty pleas, and tidbits surrounding the Mueller Russia investigation probe. Add to that today's congressional hearings with James Comey, and, the

Holiday Politics

Holiday politics can be a bad recipe at family gatherings. Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, provides some insights into how to deal with political discussions during a holiday

How to Stay Mindful After a Tragedy

How to stay mindful after a tragedy is a topic today, a week after the U.S. was shocked by the massacre in a synagogue in Pittsburgh.  Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D., who is

Mind of a Pipe-Bomb Mail Bomber

What goes through the mind of a pipe-bomb mail bomber? Are they driven by hate, anger, or are they trying to make a statement?  Clinical psychologist Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D.

Election Impact of Hurricane Michael

Election impact of Hurricane Michael was the topic today on WINK News. With the midterm elections less than a month away, does the Hurricane and the White House response to it impact

Kavanaugh Possible Outcome

The Kavanaugh possible outcome of his bid to ascend to the Supreme Court has been the most politicized nomination hearing in our lifetime. Let's look at what has unfolded and what

Body Language of Kavanaugh Hearing

Body Language of Kavanaugh Hearing about his alleged sexual assault of Dr. Ford can be revealing. Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D. breaks it down on WINK News.

Cause & Effect of Kavanaugh Accusations

Cause & effect of Kavanaugh accusations has been immediate. While Senators are scrambling for position, social media is lit up.  People are attacking or defending along party lines. Political psychologist, Dr. Bart

Impact of Natural Disasters on Politicians

The impact of natural disasters on politicians can be different than it is on you or me. Dr. Bart Rossi, political psychologist Ph.D., sat down to discuss the issue at