14 Year Old Student Charged with Murder of high school teacher is yet another act of violence by youth. Frank Cippola hosts a discussion on Fresh Outlook with featured guests
Hurricane Sandy Anniversary: The Fresh Outlook with host Frank Cippola, featuring Doctor Bart Rossi Phd. with other experts discussing the recovery, the politicians, the psychological impact of Hurricane
Doctor Bart Rossi is featured on WPIX-TV providing his expert psychological analysis on the attempted political comeback of former New York Governor Elliot Spitzer.
RADIO APPEARANCE: Doctor Bart Rossi is a guest on 'The Wall Street Journal This Morning' radio show discussing the social and psychological ramifications of the U-S Supreme Court's Ruling on
VIDEO: Doctor Bart Rossi is featured as a guest panelist on MSNBC’s Jansing & Co., hosted by Chris Jansing. Dr. Rossi discusses the psychology behind Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his inability to connect with voters, stating that “Mitt Romney is not comfortable in his own skin.” Is Mitt Romney believable? Watch the clip to see what Dr. Rossi has to say on the matter.
VIDEO: ‘Political psychologist’ Dr. Bart Rossi is interviewed by MSNBC host Chris Jansing on ‘Jansing and Co.’ Dr. Rossi discusses what to look for in the vice-presidential debate between congressman Paul Ryan and vice president Joe Biden.
Doctor Bart Rossi is interviewed on Fox 5's 'Good Day New York' in NYC. He discusses the Connecticut school shooting in which 28 people were killed and what may have been in
Political Psychologist Doctor Bart Rossi appears on the popular Alan Colmes Show on Fox Radio. Doctor Rossi discusses the personalities of President Obama and Congressional leaders and how to break
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