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Is It Time to Legalize Drugs In America?

With state after state in the U.S.A. legalizing marijuana, I get asked -- a lot -- Is It Time to Legalize Drugs In America? As a Clinical /Political Psychologist I'm

Iraq Crisis: How Does This Impact The Economy and Gas Prices?

Dr. Bart Rossi appeared on the Fresh Outlook with host Mia Toschi, Co-host Dee Dee Benke, and Mark Irion, levick Energy, to discuss the impact of the Iraq crisis, as

The Monica Lewinsky Factor

VIDEO: She was the scandal of the decade during President Clinton's second term, and now she is being discussed again as Hillary is expected to make a presidential run in

Climate Change Debate

VIDEO: The Fresh Look has a panel discussion on climate change. As Dr. Rossi wrote about several weeks ago, "there appears to be a consensus as high as 97 percent among

Why People Deny Climate Change

As psychologists indicate, everyone employs the defense mechanisms denial and repression at times as part of a defensive personality.

North Korea: Should we be Conserned?

North Korea continues to make threats in retaliation for tougher sanctions imposed by the international community. Is this a real threat, or

The Future of Governor Chris Christie

For the past month, 'bridgegate' has been all over the news: and the Governor of New Jersey is in hot water. As you probably already know, Governor Chris Christie’s administration

Gov. Christie: “Bridge-Gate” and “The Conservative Conflict”.

  Gov. Chris Christie's "Bridge-Gate" and “The Conservative Conflict” is what the media has labeled it, it's media 

Dr. Bart Rossi weighs in Obama State of the Union address

President Obama delivered his 2014 State of the Union address on January 28, 2014. Through center right language and a progressive agenda, the speech was brilliant and unreplicable. President Obama

Newtown-Sandy Hook School Shooting marks 1 year anniversary

Newtown-Sandy Hook School Shooting marks 1 year anniversary and the impact is discussed on this weeks FirstLook part 3 of 4.